Friday, March 28, 2014

Three years now, Myrtle has been with the Lord

It is hard to believe that Myrtle Rockwell has been home with her Savior and Lord-Jesus Christ for three years; it seems like last month to me. I do miss her. She was such a wonderful friend. I often wonder about what happened to her estate at 4639 Lenore drive, SD 92115. Myrtle told  many occasions what it was she had decided to do with her estate, but it has not come to pass as of this date. Well the Lord knows and He ultimately has the last say, the Counsel of the Lord it stands. her house on Lenore drive was so nice, although her furniture and the way she had it is what made it so nice; and Myrtle. For when she was gone the house was a shell and when all of the furniture was taken then the house was just wood and stone not a home. I suppose very few people have a home. Many have fine houses, cars, furniture, antiques and such, all empty and vain. Those things simply fill the void-the emptiness.

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