Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Have a Happy And Thank Full Thanksgiving,

Myrtle Rockwell and I had some very nice Thanksgivings. I still remember the very first Thanksgiving after I began helping her in 2001. Needless to say we had some differences but lots of fun at the same time. Myrtle had her way of doing things and I had what I thought were my own. So, we had mashed potatoes flying around the kitchen from the beater, and at the same time it seemed like butter was flying around too. We argued a bit about how things ought to be, but we settled and had a very nice first Thanksgiving and this was six months after Myrtle was on hospice, but at this time she was doing so well hospice left. Myrtle was a very thankful woman.She was very grateful to all who helped her and for the good things in her life. She loved the Lord and was very thankful for His goodness in her life. We know the Bible says, "every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights." James 1:17.

Whoever reads this do one thing, be a picture taker. Take lots of pictures and or videos. This is one great regret I have because I did not take pictures of my mom, who I helped when she had cancer and is now home with the Lord, so I have no pictures to share. I am also limited on what I have with Myrtle Rockwell. I knew Myrtle probably, no not probably, certainly more than anyone second to her husband Capt. Joe Rockwell and in some ways it is my belief I knew Myrtle even more than he did. I say this because Myrtle loved to have conversation and Joe loved sports and watched and read the paper all of the time so conversation was limited. Where Myrtle and I talked all the time. So talk to your loved ones. Get to know them better and better. Takes lots of pictures, you can't have too many and it is so fun to look back on them. Then when that loved one is gone you will have not only wonderful memories but pictures to go with them.

Thanksgiving is a time of being thankful.  I hope whatever you do this Thanksgiving 2013 you will make it a family affair and all take part. Myrtle Rockwell had family and acquaintances but they "rarely" called and I will say never came to see her. Actions speak louder than words. You can "say" whatever you want but actions always speak louder. Don't pretend to be thankful show it, do something for someone else who really can't for themselves. Myrtle Rockwell's family and distant acquaintances were action wise not thankful about relatedness or what she (Myrtle) had done for them over the years. Unfortunately unlike Myrtle Rockwell they were out for what they could get from her "materially" money, furniture, stocks and so forth. Even  as bad or indifferent her family and acquaintances were towards her Myrtle was "always" loving, caring and sharing with them out of her own things. And it was Myrtle who really built things up financially not her husband, this is what Myrtle told me. Joe was not much for that so Myrtle did it. She was thankful for all the Lord gave her. Especially His Grace salvation thorough the Lord Jesus Christ, in that he died for our sins in our place so we would not have to.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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