Thursday, September 26, 2013

Once in your Life time...

Once in your life you may or may not meet someone who truly stands out from all others that you have met. Not because they are more physically beautiful or handsome but simply as a person. Have you had such an occasion? Well I have, in meeting this lady Myrtle Rockwell.
She was truly a once in a life time for me. I visited Mrs. Rockwell from a Church in the area I knew had many senior citizens and thought they may want some one to come visit them. I began visiting after my mother went to the Lord having died of cancer. Myrtle was so kind, so gracious, grateful it was hard to ever leave her because with someone like that you don't want to, do you know what I mean? While with some you can't wait to leave.

Myrtle was a Christian woman and she lived out her faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. I know many Pastors and lay people but Mrs. Rockwell was more of an example and mentor in our walk with Christ than 99% of the ones I knew.  Here is the difference. Myrtle was not a Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Catholic or any other man made up religion that segregates; she believed what the Bible said about God, Jesus Christ, Salvation and any and all other doctrines. And she really reflected the Lord. I mean specifically she was gracious and grateful. Let me give you an example. When Myrtle was on Hospice the second time.*(see note below)
The Hospice nurses ( and Myrtle was a Navy Nurse) commented saying, "Myrtle is the most grateful person we have ever met. She thanks you for everything, even the very little things. And she appreciates everything we do."   That is what the Hospice workers said. Now Myrtle would be the first to let you know the Lord is the one who filled her with such a spirit. In addition to being grateful Myrtle was generous. When I first met here it was as if her house was my house. That is how she was. Material things, jewelry, furniture, house, stocks and house equity really meant nothing to her because she knew she could not take it with her and where she was going had sooooo much more in wealth and abundance, Heaven to be with Jesus Christ in Glory. That is why Myrtle virtually gave everything to help her sister, no question. I even asked Myrtle not long  before she passed, "Myrtle, do you have any regrets?"  And without hesitation she said, "NO." Wow.

I could go on about Myrtle but I will save it for another post. What Myrtle would have you know is that no amount of money, material things or any other worldly thing can benefit you if you don't have Eternal Life through Faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe you have lots of money, or got an inheritance and you're set for life, but if you do not have the Son (Jesus Christ) you do not have life but the wrath of God remains on you.
Get your Bible out and read in First Corinthians in the 15th chapter the first five verses. There you will find the Gospel, the Good News. Believe that,and that alone.

* When I was first visiting Myrtle in Oct. 1999 she was around 100lbs. Then in early 2001 her doctor put her on Hospice. Myrtle had Congestive heart Failure.  I began helping her in April of 2001. She was on Hospice. In six months she weighed 125lbs and was eating lots of good whole foods, veggies, salmon, she loved salmon. Plus I gave her some nutrition, she was already taking some. But at the end of the six months Hospice was gone and Myrtle lived for ten more years. Thank the Lord. Your life is in God's hands not the doctors.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are you Comfortable?

Life has a way of going from comfortable then to uncomfortable and back to comfortable. How we perceive things may have something to do with it right?
There are those who believe we create our own realities; well it seems true, but that is an allusion. Why? Because that would indicate we have control or some control. And in some ways we do,( or it appears so ) God has allowed for us to have the ability to make choices which gives us the idea we control things. Granted, I had control over the fact I went to visit elderly shut ins who were not able to get out and go to Church any more; but then that was already determined by God that my own mother would pass away and go home to be with the Lord at the same time Myrtle Rockwell was in need of help. Coincidence?
But why would I mention that here on Myrtle Rockwell's site?

Well, in 1996 my life was pretty good. I had a good job. I liked it. I was making a full time income only working part time hours doing loans. Comfortable. Then in December of 1996 without notice we had a meeting and all loan officers were let go. It was at a time when it was harder to find loan jobs. Then later in 1997 my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Laid off and mom has cancer all in six months time. Uncomfortable. She had her surgery after some time and the doctors told her and the family all was well. I got a job at WAMU, Washington Mutual Bank at the time. Comfortable. Then late in 1998 symptoms come back to my mom, more surgery they say. But, doctors were not honest with us, cancer was everywhere they said. Four months later my mom went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Me, Uncomfortable. At the bank, I had to leave..more uncomfortable. Then in Oct. 1999 I met Myrtle Rockwell. We hit it off and I helped her at her home and visited her often. Comfortable. I could not find a good loan job. Uncomfortable. Mrs. Rockwell had a bad reaction to medication so I stayed with her for a few days until she got better. Myrtle asked me if I could stay and help her and that she would pay. She said there is an extra room you can have plus your own bathroom. That was nice comfortable.
She was on hospice in April 2001. I helped for six months and she put on twenty pounds because she ate so well. Hospice had to go bye bye. Thank the Lord. Myrtle lived for ten more years. We had a great time she was able to do so much. We went all over the place for drives. So much more. Then in December of 2010
she was not doing so well, but she hung in there. Two months later March 2nd ,I believe, she went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Myrtle forever Comfortable! Me uncomfortable but I have come along way. Don't get too comfortable.