Friday, August 23, 2013

August, one of Myrtle's favorite months.

Well time is moving on and it is now two years and five months already that Myrtle Rockwell went Home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Time seems like it is moving fast doesn't it? I know it does for me.

One day you are 30 and then all of a sudden you are now 56, that's me. Myrtle and I were talking once on her patio and she said, "You know we Christians are funny. We talk of wonderful Heaven will be and we seek to put it off as long as we can." We laughed at that because we knew it was true. Well that is normal, because no one has died and gone to heaven and come back,; Except for the Lord Jesus Christ. The first fruits from the dead. He lives and we can live also. I know many stories are out there about someone who allegedly died and came back to tell us about God, friends and heaven. Hogwash, it did not happen. No man has seen God at any time it says in 1 John 3. And there is only one way to heaven, to the Father and that is through faith in the work of Christ on the Cross, period. No other way. That's the good news. That is hope. Jesus came and made it possible to be declared righteous before God the Father. But not by works of righteousness which we have done but by His mercy He Saved us. Titus 3:5-6. For by Grace are you saved through Faith, Ephesians 2:8-9.

I miss Myrtle. She was a very good friend. I came to help her and she helped me. I came way back in 1999 to visit and minister to her but she ministered to me. I came to bring some encouragement but she did more to encourage me than I her. I am going to post some pictures later of her mother and father. She must have had wonderful parents to have grown into such a lovely caring women. I think only once in your life do you meet someone as I had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Myrtle Rockwell.

August was the month we would make lemon aide from her lemon tree, or sip some chilled Zinfandel on the patio. Or we would cut some watermelon and eat that. Just sitting on the patio listening to the song birds. On a warm August morning Myrtle would ask, "Can I eat my breakfast on the patio?"  And of course we would. It was so nice. Coffee and breakfast on the patio. I miss that. Then as she sat I would maybe cut the back lawn and smell the fresh cut grass and then water. Unfortunately the yard from those living there is all dead. Plants are dead, grass is dead and trees are all chopped down. But I will always have the memories.
Myrtle on her patio.You can see how nice her yard was then.

Bye for now. The Lord is coming for His Church, believers (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) at any moment.
See you soon enough Myrtle.

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