Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"I came that you might have life....." the Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:10)

    I write this because many people have life but not abundantly and it does not mean thousands and thousands of dollars or material goods but life that is above and beyond this one...A Glorious Hope.

I never really realized how much a blessing Mrs. Rockwell was (Myrtle) to me until she was gone and has been gone. She has been home with the Lord now for two years and two months. ( II Corinthians 5:8)

Myrtle loved the Lord and she was so assured of where she was going when she passed, and lived her faith like no one I know or have known except one. Myrtle was more faithful and liberated by her faith in Jesus Christ than most if not all pastor/teachers I have met. Most are legalistic wanting to please God on their own good efforts even after having said they have faith in the work of Christ on the cross. Yet they live lives of do's and don'ts trying to be holy out of some source of energy on their own. What a waste not to mention a slap at God after He has already made the provision for our sins and for daily living Romans 6.

Well, aside from that I miss Myrtle, she was a very good friend. You may only find one in your life time if you are lucky and I was because I did. She was a good sport too.
We would sit on the patio in the afternoon and talk, or make some lemon aide from her lemon tree, or have a glass of Zinfandel chilled. Myrtle was in her 90's in this picture. I laugh and cry when I look at it. When I look back the major regret I have is that I did not do more for her. I told her I loved her everyday and reminded her of how much the Lord, God the Father loved her, although she knew that more than me;
"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us"..
  1 John 4:16.

Myrtle would want you to know Him, and all it takes is believing what God the Father  says about  His Son Jesus Christ.
The Good News    "Christ died for Our Sins according to the scriptures;
                                 and that he was buried, 
                                 and that he rose again the  third day
                                 according to the scriptures." 
              "By which you are saved"... if you believe this alone for salvation.

                                                                                             1 Corinthians 15: 1-4.

The time is short!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Make money from Home & be with the ones you love

While I was caring for Mrs. Rockwell I put my loan business on hold as I was caring for her full time (24/7).
And after she passed away things did not go the way I understood them to go. I was ask to pay rent while I was still in the house cleaning and painting it getting it ready for sale, this was only three months later so I wasn't bumming. I painted the whole exterior except for one side and three rooms in the house while maintaining the yard.
Nice isn't it? Well the executor decided after it looked so good that instead of selling it it would be rented. Well I did not have a job, I cared for Mrs. Rockwell and now she was gone and I had no money, what was I to do?  Well I had to leave. I thank the Lord I have a twin brother and I went to live with him, if not God knows what I'd have done.

So this brings me to what I'd like to share, "make money from home" , "make money from home so you can be with the ones you love."  How does that sound?
Mrs. Rockwell would want me to share these with you. When she knew I was looking at home businesses she always said just stay with one. Well I tried many and lost $ 1000's sound familiar? I looked and tried looked and tried and lost with no help from my sponsors. You are at the right place if you are reading this or these blogs to make money or gain information as to how..

Mrs. Rockwell was business minded; she was conservative. She invested and was pretty good.
I'd like to be but I need to make some money to pay bills for living and pay off debt. Maybe you'd like to also. If you are blogging for money or using blogs to find ways here they are. I need to make some money faster, I am in my fifties with no retirement so that's why I want to share these and hope you will look into them.
 Maybe you'd like to simply make money to help family or others. Personally I want o help my brother at his house, pay off debts, finish my education (yes even now) and give to my church. 


And finally one is for health as I cared for my mom with Cancer, and Mrs. Rockwell with heart problems.
   This one You gotta see !!!!     www.funtoberich.com/mcm

Now I am on my way to making a living from home. Let me preface this with this; In the Bible in James 4:15 it says, "if the Lord wills we will do this or that make a gain." That being said I completely leave this to the Lord because it says also in James 1:17, "every good and perfect gift is from above from the Father," so I say too "Lord willing these will work" because I have lost money as well. So Lord willing these will work for you. you can contact through here with any questions.

May God bless you with His best, His Son 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5.