Tuesday, April 9, 2013

An April Memorial Service

On Friday April 5th I attended a memorial service for a friend of mine from years ago. When I go to memorial services they always remind me of our own mortality and the fact that we are all heading in that direction. Now this one was at a Lutheran Church building and that is neither here nor there except for what the group believes saves them; in other words what they believe that makes them right before God. Many Lutheran Churches do in fact believe what the Bible says in regards to being Saved, and by that I mean having your sins and the penalty for them taken care of  by the vicarious death of Christ on the Cross. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ alone saves us as we believe that for the purpose of being saved.

I am not sure what this particular one believed but by the rituals they carried out I would say they may not believe that Christ's death is altogether sufficient to save them and they need to perform some good works. But that is not consistent with the Bible God's word. That is the Good News, that we don't have to try to earn it, for we can't in any way please God, so He sent His only Unique Son to die on the Cross in our place.

Any attempt to do good works is futile, and even if you tried and wanted to have God evaluate them on the day of Judgement you will be compared to Jesus Christ the Beloved Son. Do you think you are near Him? Remember God said if you fail in one you have failed them all. There is No room for even one sin, act of unrighteousness or trespass.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Myrtle Rockwell in fact did believe this and was wonderfully saved by God. Her life reflected His love and forgiveness in so many ways. I study the Bible God's word each day, but I am so thankful to have had the privilege of caring for Myrtle Rockwell for ten years and had such a godly example!!!!

I miss you Myrtle, see you soon, Come Lord Jesus.

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