Tuesday, November 29, 2011

As I reflect back on Myrtle Rockwell's Life

   Not a day goes by that I do not think of Myrtle and what her life meant to me by the things she said and did. Though I had many examples of men and women in ministry and bible college Myrtle was the most outstanding in her faith and life in the Lord Jesus Christ. Myrtle from an early age 10 maybe 12 came to realize she needed a Savior from sin and Jesus Christ was and is the only hope for that problem. And this is "not" a personal  thing this is a general thing; everyone needs Jesus Christ as the substitute for our sins. Many people even Christians say things like, "this is what it means to me" well that sounds good but still lost in the darkness of this world without the true light of Jesus Christ, His word the bible. It matters not what we believe or feel or what something may mean to me what matters is what God's word says in the proper interpretation. You may think, believe and act as though your life is pleasing to God but in the light of His word you may be displeasing Him and rather offending Him though you bear the name Christian. Why am I saying this here? Because from the day I met Mrs. Rockwell her life reflected a "living" faith it was not mere words or formality; she was different. You can read Galatians chapter 5 and verses 22-23 where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control and these qualities "were" evident in every circumstance I saw Myrtle go through. Whether it was ill treatment from a friend or family member or a medical physical problem Myrtle was a fruit of the Spirit filled Christian. Secondly, when you read 1 Corinthians chapter 13 the Love chapter verses that defines what love is she expressed it. Myrtle was patient, kind, did not envy, not boastful about anything, she was not jealous, never acted unbecomingly, she always believed the best and told people so. Of all the times I had to take Myrtle to some kind of medical treatment where pain might result she never complained and all the medical people commented on just how caring and courteous this lady was. This is in no way details Myrtles life just a small portion. But we are in this world for a short time even if  90 to 100 years and the question I ask is what mark or legacy am I leaving or you? What will people say of me, will my life have influenced any? And beyond that and of far greater importance where will I spend eternity? To answer that you must answer this, "what have you done with God's Son Jesus Christ?"  Myrtle Rockwell trusted Him and His word completely with a child like faith and she was different and now she is home in Glory with her Savior Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What do you truly value? Where is your treasure?

   As I have been thinking about Myrtle I suppose few if any of her friends or family visits here or even thinks of her. Me, I will be thinking and reflecting on her life and my time with her for the rest of my life and every day. She was a gift from the Lord to me and at a very difficult time, my own mother had just passed away and God used Mrs. Rockwell to bring love, comfort, encouragement  into my  life. I met Myrtle in October 1999 and started caring for her full time in April 2001, for ten years or 120 months or three thousand six hundred and fifty days. Can you imagine? And now its over she has gone home to be with Christ her Savior
II Corinthians 5:8. It seems like yesterday I first came here to see her and that big smile she had, and so polite and generous along with so hospitable. For Myrtle the saying, " mi casa su casa" was truly my experience with her. As far as the time wow gone, like a vapor. God's word says our life is like a vapor, here for a short time and than vanishes away. James 4:14. Even though Myrtle lived a good long life ( 1 Peter 3:10) 96 years old she even said it went by so fast. Her days as a Navy nurse went by so fast she would say and then she was in old age. I learned from Myrtle to enjoy life in in all of the hardships. Of all the trouble from within and without and physically that Myrtle went through Never once did I ever hear her complain NOT ONCE.  I miss her. And as I reflect on her I begin to realize the Lord is bringing about the necessity to do what Myrtle always told me when I would ask her, "Myrtle, what am I going to do without you when your gone?" She would answer, "you will get on with your life."  It isn't easy but God has really carried me through some deep waters and I am moving on. I will be out of this old house as Myrtle called it Sept 2011 but I will be thinking of Myrtle every day until it is my time to have faith replaced by sight and be home with her and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May he come soon.
I am sad your gone Myrtle and I truly miss you but I am glad at the same time you are home with the Lord.
Mike Moffett

Friday, August 12, 2011

A short note on Myrtle H. Rockwell August 12,2011

I am reading each day from Myrtle's bible and note the underlined verses and passages and can't  help but remember what Corrie Ten Boom said, "if your bible is in good shape you are not" and Myrtle's bible is "not" in good shape. It is falling apart everywhere which explains why Myrtle reflected the Lord Jesus Christ so much in her life. Myrtle was my dearest friend and mentor I miss her more than words can explain. My hope is I will see her soon when the Lord Jesus returns for his Church at the rapture. Myrtle was such a fun loving friend with me and my brother Bill. ( he is in the picture below with Myrtle)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I will never forget Myrtle Rockwell my godly mentor and friend. July 16,2011.

Others have gone back to their daily lives and most like will not give Myrtle Rockwell a second thought, but for me she was the best friend and godly mentor I have ever had or known. I miss her but look forward to Christ's return when I shall see her again. One of Myrtle's favorite songs.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I read Psalm 45:13 it reminded me of Myrtle Rockwell today;

With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace. Today is July 16, 2011 and the truth is the world is not the same without Mrs.Myrtle Henderson Rockwell. I miss Myrtle my friend and godly mentor; there are no words to explain it. I Praise and thank the Lord every day for His goodness in allowing me the privilege of caring for Mrs. Rockwell over the ten years I did. I thank you Lord and Praise you for your goodness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Myrtle Rockwell a cut above because of who she trusted; the Lord Jesus

As I think back over my life I have had many opportunities to meet some prominent men and women in Christendom today. I had several times talking to Tim LaHaye (Left Behind series) and Art Peters from Christian Heritage college and Scott Memorial  Church. I also met and talk to Cliff Barrows from the Billy Graham crusade. I met and had conversation with Josh McDowell the apologist. I had opportunity to talk with Dr. John Morris from ICR and Duane Gish, also with Dr. Henry Morris III.  I met and talked to Dr. John MacArthur from Grace Community church. And I also had the chance to speak with Chuck Swindoll from Fullerton CA. I knew Bill Muir head of YFC and was taught much by him. I met and spoke with Joni Erickson Tada once too as well as Swen Nader the pro basket ball player who is a Christian. I know Ray Bentley from Maranatha chapel. I also met Bill Gothard from IBLP.
I also sat and spoke with Dennis Agajanian the fastest guitar player maybe in the world. But all of this is to say "IF" I could only choose ONE person of my life to spend time with it would be with the one God allowed for;
Mrs. Myrtle H. Rockwell. Her faith and practice was above what I have seen and met in any other person given only that she was a simple gracious humble lady with a deep and strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to know and serve her. She is sorely missed, with greatness.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"The Hour has Come Myrtle is home with the Lord"

Myrtle Rockwell is now home with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 5:8 says, "absent from the body present with the Lord."  Myrtle went home to her Savior March 2, 2011. But she is now with her husband Capt. Joe Rockwell, her sister Hazel whom Myrtle loved very much, and many more who have gone before her. I will miss Myrtle more than my imagination can conjure up. I spent ten years caring for Myrtle Rockwell seven days a week twenty four hours a day and now she is no longer here. I have some regrets:
  There was so much more I could have done for Myrtle, so much more. So many more places to go and things to do and see, but she was able to a lot more than she ever thought she would and I had the privilege of being a part of that.  I was here to help Myrtle as a sister in Christ and a friend, she was not a job, she was my life and I was "Blessed'".  As I reflect back I wish I had decided to just do it on my own rather than have extra help come in; the help was a detriment to Myrtle's health and a poor worker.  Myrtle was like a second mother to me and more. I was blessed, in fact blessed is not a big enough word. I came to help her and she helped me. I came to serve her and she served me. I came to encourage her and she encouraged me. I was the one who was the most blessed; God sent me to Mrs. Rockwell not merely for me to help her but for her to help me by the example of her life. Galatians 2:20 says, "I live yet not I but Christ lives in me," and He was evident in Myrtles' life. All who met her said she is so polite and kind. At times when I was up to help her at 2 or 3 am in the morning Myrtle would thank me for helping her. Myrtle was generous, kind, hospitable and forgiving. That is only the tip of the iceberg. I will miss her as I said more than my own imagination can conjure up. But she is in Glory with Christ.
Myrtle loved life and had no regrets. I had so much fun with her it was the best ten years of my life. We went on drives, ate lunch and breakfast out, shared birthdays, Thanks Giving and Christmas what a joy! If I had to do it over again I would without question!!!
I would like to thank here some special people in Mrs. Rockwell's life:
Kristine Hampshire M.D. She was a tremendous help in the quality of life for Myrtle!

Gigja; a hospice volunteer. Myrtle enjoyed her very much. Gigja would play old music for Myrtle  through her cell phone. She was good with Myrtle.
Stephanie Slater a neighbor to Myrtle and best friend for 30 years.
Joe Schiavonne, Pastor the Living Word fellowship often came by to visit Myrtle and would bring a friend Bernice. Myrtle enjoyed their visits.

Dr. Pietrek, my chiropractor who took time with Myrtle to answer some questions.
My twin brother Bill one of Myrtle's best friends always called her "Rock." She really got a kick out of that.
Myrtle always used to say to me, "how can two young men (me and my brother) be interested in a little old lady? That is an easy question to answer; Because she was such a wonderful person and good sport, she just went with the fun of it all. Wow, a great loss. The world is just not the same without Myrtle H. Rockwell.       ( more pictures will be added so check back)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank the Lord January 25th Tuesday

Myrtle Rockwell is still here with us. And it is a blessing to me to help her and know her. She is the best example of a christian I have ever met and I have met many men and women in ministry and in bible college.
What a wonderful women; filled with faith, wisdom and the Holy Spirit.
For those who know or knew of her and never or rarely came by "you" missed out.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas is past & New Year here and so is Myrtle Rockwell

A New Year is here and the Lord has a plan for Myrtle Rockwell because she is still here with us and for that I  am thankful. I have learned and learn much from Myrtle. Here is a picture of Myrtle with a long time friend Esperanza. She has been a long time and very good friend to Myrtle and a great help on many occasions.

 Make your new year count that's what Myrtle did for her life!! You never know how long we each have.