Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Helping Senior Citizens, A Dying Breed, Valuable Information gone when they are unless..

 Unless we learn from them Now. 

What I learned from Myrtle Rockwell, ( I am still working on practicing them).

Do it now, why wait. What a powerful practice, Action. Five letter word can change our life.
Put things back in their place when done. Simple yet how profound. A place for everything, everything in its place.
Focus on one thing in life first, not that there can't be others, but have One main one, i.e. job. or at least she said don't change until the one is going well.
( this one may be different in our techie times, monkey minds)
Stay out of debt, except for housing. But pay off and don't borrow unless plan is in place, profit.
Invest in small ways in sure things, don't gamble.
Be Enthusiastic
Be friendly to all you meet.
Enjoy your food and drink, sip and small bites, savor it. Not Gulp as she used to say to me.
Care for your family, help if you can but make them responsible and accountable.
Get sleep. 
Be attentive, listen. 

These are only a few, as I think of more I will post them.  
I sure miss her, and it hurts knowing how her executor Deborah L. violated Myrtle's trust on the handling of her estate. Myrtle was so trusting. Well we will all give account to God.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

No Matter How Much Trouble You Are Going Through You Can Make It..

One of the many things I so appreciated about Myrtle Rockwell was that  no matter what happened in the day, around the house, like sink stopped up or disposal going out or physical and even social i.e. family; You all know what I mean, she was always positive and smiling.
That is how Myrtle was. To everyone all the time even if you crossed her. Her relationship to and with Jesus Christ through His word Myrtle was a very different woman. She was patient, kind, attentive, generous, hospitable, frugal, good with money, trusting and on I could go. So my days often times do not go well  I reflect back on Myrtle and consider too my own walk with the Lord according to His word and I make an adjustment....saying things aren't so bad. Take them as they come without exaggeration.
 In many of these picture Myrtle is wearing the same sweater, she did that often because some were warmer.
More to come.....

Friday, July 24, 2015

Help Protect Children and Adult, Seniors for sure...

Every day some thief scumbag scams Seniors, Adults and Children. This kind of crime too often goes without sufficient punishment.  

Senior citizens have often been victims of unscrupulous sales people and contractors.

Stand up for them. Report anything you see or hear about a Senior being abused or taken advantage of in any way. I did not do it all the time I should and regret it. That is how Mrs. Rockwell's Estate was literally stolen from her desired will. Speak out and take action.

Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sassy Picture of Myrtle

I am telling you ladies in the 40's plus were more intriguing than they are today.
I don't really have much to say but I do want to post a sassy picture of Myrtle. I am not sure how old she was or rather what her age was.

To me that is a fun picture. If  I had been around with Myrtle I would have dated this lady. Fun, wonderful personality, good friend and balanced in life. She knew who she was as a lady and an adult. 

I miss her very much. How come in life we may only be lucky enough to have maybe one or two exceptional friends? Can you say that you have one?   I hope you can and if you do your are blessed. Cherish it! :)
Bye for now. More pictures later.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Cool Picture of Myrtle Henderson Rockwell........Lieutenant Navy Nurse.

   Being a Nurse was very important to Myrtle. She wanted people to get good Care when they came to either the hospital or just to the doctor, the nurse is where it starts. So it was important to her to do well and make people feel at ease.

   I read an essay that Myrtle kept from her grade school years. The essay was to be written on what you think you might want to do in life. Huh? What child knows what they want to do for the rest of their life? Well some do. I have known one or two personally that knew from childhood what they wanted to do. 
Myrtle said in her essay that she either wanted to be a Teacher or a Nurse. She also commented that she never taught anybody so she wasn't sure if she'd like to do that; on the other hand she did care for both her mom and sister on occasion whenever they were sick. She wrote that she liked doing that, and based on that in her essay she said, "Well, I guess I'll be a Nurse."  That's when it started. When she graduated from high school she  then went to Pomona Community College and from there to Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara for training. Some stories about that but maybe another time. She did tell me of her training Nurse and what an impact she had on Myrtle's whole career as a Nurse. So you never know how or in what way you might impact someones life. Myrtle was commissioned in the Navy in 1938. I have one cool picture;

I am not sure where she is but that is a wing from a Japanese war plane. You can see the Zero, as they called them on the wing there.   How cool is that. Myrtle is doing two things she loves; Nursing and serving her Country in the Navy, and has experiences like this. Very Cool. 

It was a privilege to serve her when she needed help after my Mother passed from cancer. I miss her greatly. She was a good friend, best I could ever have. 
Did I mention I began helping Myrtle in April of 2001 shortly after her doctor put her on Hospice for Congestive Heart Failure? I began making some good healthy meals for her with some nutrition and in six months she went fro 105lbs to 125lbs and heart doctor said, "you are fine Mrs. Rockwell."  She lived 10 years after that, and she really had some fun. So you never know, neither do the doctors. :) More later.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Myrtle Henderson Rockwell's home,where she was born..

Myrtle told me she was born in Dagget. Her parents bought this home for $92.dollars. Imagine a house costing $92. dollars.  Bear in mind it was 1915 or so. Now depending on where one lives, even if the median price was say $200,000. That is over 2100 times the amount they paid one hundred years ago. Wow, so if America goes for another hundred years (it won't) but say it does. Housing would be  uh let's see... do the math....
$40,000,000. Oh a house would only be forty million at that rate. 

Here is a picture of the house.
And another one

Myrtle's mom and dad. From what she told me she had wonderful loving Christian parents. I look forward to meeting them when I get home with the  Lord in heaven.

Humble home, but they were thankful and happy to have it. Love makes the house a "Home." Would you agree?

These are fun pictures. Myrtle spoke often of her mother and father, often. A Great legacy. She loved them dearly. She took care of her mother in this home on Lenore until she passed away going home to the Lord.
Beautiful home too. This is where I cared for Mrs. Rockwell for ten years, 7/24. Funny, Myrtle's father worked on the railroad, and Myrtle's estate was railroaded into a direction she had no intention of doing.
Well, that's life , elderly taken advantage every day. Truth is everyone will give an account to God, so nothing will be missed; even though people think it will.
Until then, watch and wait. :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Myrtle Henderson Rockwell,Lieutenant Navy Nurse & Capt. Joe Rockwell

Myrtle was a Navy Nurse, and loved it. She met her husband at a Navy Hospital while he was in for some care. They were married I believe in 1950 were married for 37 years, Joe went to be with the Lord in 1987.

Those who knew them both said they had a wonderful marriage. Joe had some really nice wall certificates from the Navy signed by Presidents like Eisenhower. I showed them to his grandson but he was more interested in money goods. What could he get from the estate that was money. Money money money, that's all he and his wife were about it seems. He missed it. He has no clue where "real" value is versus apparent. You can't take it with you and even if you could without God's saving Grace in Christ, what good is money in hell.? :)  And if we could take it why would you? If you are a Christian ( I Corinthians 15:1-5) then the earthly garbage is not worthy to be compared to the glories ready to be revealed. 

Myrtle and Joe loved their Country, The United States of America and were glad to serve. I have a picture of Joe, he looks like he was a real man. He too looks like he could have been in movies.
And Myrtle in her Uniform
Our country has changed over the years. Or as my dad used to say, "times don't change people do." True enough dad. People have changed over the years and simply don't have the convictions they used to or the morals. These men and women built this country and thieves within are stealing "their" and "our" America blind and running it in the ground.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Myrtle Henderson Rockwell, looks like a Star!

I was going through some pictures I had form Myrtle's old ones and ran across these; She looks like she could have been a movie star. What do you think?

This look is more intriguing than ladies today.

And here is a picture of her in Uniform, Navy Nurse;
I really like these pictures of ladies in the 40's,
more style and class   than the way women are today. The world needs ladies and Men    

Until next time, care for the ones you love!