Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Friend I will not forget, and one I will see in heaven, with the Lord.

    I realized I had not posted anything here for a while and Myrtle Rockwell was a great once in your life friend. ........ Do you have one?   I hope you do!

I was going through some pictures and wanted to post some fun ones. Myrtle was in the Navy. She was a Lieutenant Navy nurse, and she loved it and she loved her country the United States of America.
And I found her dog tags.
Isn't that cool?  She loved the Navy and being a Nurse. I know envy is not a good thing but I envied Myrtle because she knew from her grade school days she wanted to be a Nurse. Wow, how many people know from childhood and follow through on what they wanted to do?

Here is a one of my favorites. She was on ship and the ship was dropping off our Marines somewhere in China.
Myrtle looks pretty cool there doesn't she, not to mention good looking!

Well that's all for now. Just a reminder of how much Myrtle Henderson Rockwell loved her country, the United States of America. She loved and so appreciated those men and women who served in whatever capacity!
I truly miss her. She really enjoyed and loved her life!  More pictures later.

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