Friday, August 15, 2014

Today I mention me and Acoustic Neuroma

Why do I mention Acoustic Neuroma? Because as of June 12, 2014 I had an MRI and it was found I have a 2 centimeter Acoustic Neuroma on my right acoustic nerve.  I  spent ten years caring for Myrtle Rockwell and going through all of her doctor visits and radiation treatments and ultrasounds and I was on the outside in the chair. Now I am the one being talked to by the specialist concerning the Acoustic Neuroma.

I have had an MRI, a CT Scan and a second MRI as I have been considered for Cyberknife treatment.
I am scheduled for radiation on August 25-27. There are many, many people out there who have questions and concerns regarding this and I want to help.

I am feeling good as a result of taking some Whole Food Nutrition  capsule and powder and you can use it too. I trust the Lord in this as it is a part of His plan and way and it is Perfect. So as time goes on I will post here and I will have a site soon to dedicate on just Acoustic Neuroma my experience and what helped me, food, exercise and prayer.

More later.

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