Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Merry Christmas, Myrtle loved Christmas time!

Myrtle loved Christmas and the season. We would decorate the house and light the tree every night. We would listen to good old Christmas songs, ones that reminded us of the reason for the season; that God loved the world and demonstrated it by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. This is not the best picture of lovely Myrtle ( my camera wasn't very good)  but she was always beautiful!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Who are you really?

 Why do I ask this as I write here on Myrtle's blog? It is because very few people know who they really are. So many people identify themselves with and by their job, income, hobbies, education, talents, skills, and even their husband or wife. On a more simplistic term they may be as shallow as identity by their car, or a sports team even a TV show.  We are a shallow people. We are lost and separated from our creator God and this results in a facade of a life. We don't know who we are and if when we do know we don't want others to know what we are really like, for if they did they may not want to be around us. But once we come to trust Christ as Savior through his death, burial and resurrection from the dead the third day we can have a new nature, a new life.  Then and only then can we be becoming who we truly are. Yet many Christians even don't know who they really are. They simply play the game. They cloak themselves in religious activity and act in some way loving or faithful behavior but it is all of themselves and not Christ, so the glory goes to them because that is what they want. Its about me not you.

But Myrtle Rockwell was different. She was a transparent person because she knew who she was. She knew what she wanted to do at a very early age and that was a nurse. And as a young girl her mother taught her about God and his word the Bible and in that Myrtle began trusting God in the grace salvation that He offers free, that by the sending of his unique Son to die on the cross for our sins. All Myrtle's life she did as she was a servant. She wanted to be a nurse to help people; that's what she told me. She was always helping someone, family, friends and patients. And as a nurse she met her husband Captain Rockwell.

Myrtle was not caught up in the false religion of being legalistic like "don't do that" or "you can't do that" that is not what God wants; he provided the grace salvation to be saved from the wrath to come and to live ours lives daily pleasing Him. Myrtle never prejudged anyone, she gave her full attention to anyone she was with and was talking to. She did not have to be the life of the party, she would make "you" the life of the party. That is what Myrtle was like. I was truly blessed to have met her and had the opportunity to have served the Lord by helping Myrtle for ten years. If I had it to do over again I would do it  gladly!!!!

I miss you Myrtle!!!  But I know I will see you again in our Lord's Kingdom and Heaven!

Friday, August 10, 2012

I miss you Myrtle......

     Today is August 10, 2012 fifteen months has passed since Myrtle Rockwell has gone to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I miss her now just as much as when she passed away in March 2011. I suppose all who knew Myrtle or acquainted with her have really not had any second or third thoughts about her. While we don't want to get "stuck" in a memory or the past we can still often reflect on those who God so graciously gives us who are now gone and benefit from it. I have found that the reflections of Myrtle Rockwell's life come more vivid to me now than when I was with and observing her while here, and there is more than I can write at any given time. I have been journaling them and will soon add them here.

     The only difference about missing Myrtle now is the pain is not as acute. If you are lucky or blessed, however one looks at life, to have just "one" person who really touches your life you are among the very few. At age 55 outside my twin brother I have had only one person mean so much to me and be such a godly example in all areas of her life and that was Myrtle Rockwell. She really enjoyed her life. She enjoyed  friends and loved her family. She really liked it when someone would come to visit as she could not get out unless I took her, which we went out a lot and it was so much  fun to be with her. Myrtle had a great sense of humor and was the life of the party when she was at one or hosted one, BUT she always regarded others more important than herself.
She loved the Navy, and her Nursing career.  
And in all the troubling things in her life she had no regrets.
That is a life accomplishment!!!

Can you say that?    Right now I cannot, but I can change that and so can you.

Myrtle's life verse:

      " The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"You will move on with your life"

That is what Myrtle Rockwell would say to me when I ask her, "Myrtle what am I going to do when the Lord takes you home?" And she would say, "you will move on with your life." And she had earned the right to say that above all others I knew or had known because Myrtle had cared for her mother in her home until the Lord took her home and she took care of her husband Capt. Joe in their home too and not in some care facility until the Lord called him home. So Myrtle knew what it really meant to "move on" with your life.

I miss her and will always think of her and sooo many good times together.  But I know one day I will see her and her mom and Joe when God raptures his Church, true believers ,out of the world or I too pass away.
Are you ready?

Myrtle's house.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Here we are at Myrtle Rockwell's blog site

Another picture of Myrtle, more will be added. What a wonderful friend and example of a Christian she was!! This was Myrtle when I met her(above)  Below was five years later at her 90th birthday.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A note for those who Knew Myrtle Rockwell

As I was working in a member warehouse I saw a shopper I knew from the late 70's. It was Tim LaHaye, the author of the "Left Behind" series. He came up to me and we talked  a bit and I told him I had cared for someone he knew, Myrtle Rockwell. He remembered Capt. Joe and Myrtle Rockwell right off. In fact he even said that their marriage had so impressed him. He said they had such a love for one another and the Lord, his words.
Myrtle and Joe had really influenced many people more than anyone even knows. I am grateful to the Lord for that visit with Tim LaHaye and have him give such a testimony about them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We are nearing the one year mark of Myrtle Rockwell going home to Christ

   The year has gone by fast even though it seems like it has been long. I miss Myrtle every day. I look forward to the time when I shall see her again and enjoy eternity at home with Christ. With the new year and resolutions made for good health and the hope for long life the truth remains we will all die no exceptions. Unless the Lord returns at the Rapture ( 1Thess.4:15-18) for the body of Christ the believers 1Cor. 15:1-4.

As I write this I wonder how many are ready to meet the Lord. Your good works will not make it!! No matter how good. Are you ready to close your eyes in death to awaken to eternity? I hope anyone reading this will look to God's ( the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ) only provision for salvation from the wrath to come; Christ's death on the cross and his being buried and rising the third day. 


Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year & Praise the Lord Myrtle is home with her Savior Jesus Christ

  I just thought on Myrtle's life and how she lived; what an example of a Christ filled life she was. For years she could not read God's word the bible because of her macular degeneration yet her earlier years were so filled with scripture that while she was not able to read her life reflected Christ by being so filled. I was blessed. Though materially I came away with little when she passed away I was made rich by and because of my experience with Myrtle H. Rockwell.

   I hope and do pray that my life in the years the Lord has allotted me that I too can be an example and  reflect Christ as Myrtle did. What will God say of you?  We will all see Him and give an account.