Thursday, June 26, 2014

Myrtle H. Rockwell Estate closed and finished, but....

Unfortunately and sadly it was not carried out as Myrtle desired nor wanted. I met Mrs. Rockwell in Sept. of 1999 and I visited her often through the remainder of that year as well as 2000 until April of 2001 when I began caring for her full time. And I mean full time 24/7. I was there at her house living seven days a week twenty four hours a day. My day with her would begin around 6-6:30 am and go until she went to bed at 9-10pm. Do you think after ten years of care and 12 to 14 hours a day with her that I would know what she desired to do with her estate and belongings? That is a no brain question. I knew exactly what she desired because she "told" me several times in 2008-2009. Especially after her sister Hazel passed away. But not one thing I knew Mrs Rockwell wanted happened, not one.

She chose someone she knew and trusted to carry out her will; ( the lady she used was married to her husbands grandson) but the desire and greed for more must have taken hold in a big way on the lady Mrs Rockwell chose to do her will because she and her husband took everything and I mean everything. They even took furniture from the tenant they got to rent the place,wow.

Well lesson learned. If you are caring for someone or have a loved one who desires to give you something as Mrs Rockwell did me, get it down in writing and have witnesses and an attorney verify it plus notarized and even then I am not sure you are safe. God says in His word, "the LOVE of MONEY" is the Root of all sorts of EVIL. And people, when it comes to money, can be Vicious!! I mean ruthlessly Vicious. So, if you are reading this and know someone tell them "Get It In Writing with Witnesses!!!" Document document document.!!!

Even in these days get the person to do a video with you and keep that as well, document document.

Let me explain. Mrs Rockwell's house (4639 Lenore drive San Diego) sold for $425,000. She had a loan for around $98,000 on it when it sold. ( family loan, don't do it !!!!)  Real Estate commission around $25,000
So $425,000 minus $25,000 = $400,000. Easy enough. Now minus the loan $98,000 = $302,000. I don't know what taxes there were to be paid but in addition there was stock around $30,000+, bank account $10,000 to $14,000 and $10,000 to $12,000 in furniture. Can you see? How can you not jump on that.

Myrtle told me in late 2008 after her sister died she had decided to give me her house. I was overwhelmed by that generous offer. Because she knew she was cared for better than she could ever pay.  I was making just around on average $370 per week and I bought food. So Myrtle wanted to compensate me for what she could not pay me while she was alive. Well it did not even come close to happening, in fact I lost money. I painted the bathroom. kitchen and the exterior of the house with no compensation or reimbursement and I was charged rent for two months. I actually lost $2000 dollars. So learn from this, document everything, trust no one.

It does not matter to Myrtle she is with the Lord but those left are affected.
See you in heaven Myrtle.

The top is me and Myrtle on her 90th Birthday after she was on Hospice in 2001. The middle is her house she wanted to give me 4639 Lenore drive San Diego. The bottom one is just a close up for fun. I loved Myrtle as my own mother,she was my best friend and mentor.