Friday, August 10, 2012

I miss you Myrtle......

     Today is August 10, 2012 fifteen months has passed since Myrtle Rockwell has gone to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I miss her now just as much as when she passed away in March 2011. I suppose all who knew Myrtle or acquainted with her have really not had any second or third thoughts about her. While we don't want to get "stuck" in a memory or the past we can still often reflect on those who God so graciously gives us who are now gone and benefit from it. I have found that the reflections of Myrtle Rockwell's life come more vivid to me now than when I was with and observing her while here, and there is more than I can write at any given time. I have been journaling them and will soon add them here.

     The only difference about missing Myrtle now is the pain is not as acute. If you are lucky or blessed, however one looks at life, to have just "one" person who really touches your life you are among the very few. At age 55 outside my twin brother I have had only one person mean so much to me and be such a godly example in all areas of her life and that was Myrtle Rockwell. She really enjoyed her life. She enjoyed  friends and loved her family. She really liked it when someone would come to visit as she could not get out unless I took her, which we went out a lot and it was so much  fun to be with her. Myrtle had a great sense of humor and was the life of the party when she was at one or hosted one, BUT she always regarded others more important than herself.
She loved the Navy, and her Nursing career.  
And in all the troubling things in her life she had no regrets.
That is a life accomplishment!!!

Can you say that?    Right now I cannot, but I can change that and so can you.

Myrtle's life verse:

      " The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms"