Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A note for those who Knew Myrtle Rockwell

As I was working in a member warehouse I saw a shopper I knew from the late 70's. It was Tim LaHaye, the author of the "Left Behind" series. He came up to me and we talked  a bit and I told him I had cared for someone he knew, Myrtle Rockwell. He remembered Capt. Joe and Myrtle Rockwell right off. In fact he even said that their marriage had so impressed him. He said they had such a love for one another and the Lord, his words.
Myrtle and Joe had really influenced many people more than anyone even knows. I am grateful to the Lord for that visit with Tim LaHaye and have him give such a testimony about them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We are nearing the one year mark of Myrtle Rockwell going home to Christ

   The year has gone by fast even though it seems like it has been long. I miss Myrtle every day. I look forward to the time when I shall see her again and enjoy eternity at home with Christ. With the new year and resolutions made for good health and the hope for long life the truth remains we will all die no exceptions. Unless the Lord returns at the Rapture ( 1Thess.4:15-18) for the body of Christ the believers 1Cor. 15:1-4.

As I write this I wonder how many are ready to meet the Lord. Your good works will not make it!! No matter how good. Are you ready to close your eyes in death to awaken to eternity? I hope anyone reading this will look to God's ( the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ) only provision for salvation from the wrath to come; Christ's death on the cross and his being buried and rising the third day.