Tuesday, November 29, 2011

As I reflect back on Myrtle Rockwell's Life

   Not a day goes by that I do not think of Myrtle and what her life meant to me by the things she said and did. Though I had many examples of men and women in ministry and bible college Myrtle was the most outstanding in her faith and life in the Lord Jesus Christ. Myrtle from an early age 10 maybe 12 came to realize she needed a Savior from sin and Jesus Christ was and is the only hope for that problem. And this is "not" a personal  thing this is a general thing; everyone needs Jesus Christ as the substitute for our sins. Many people even Christians say things like, "this is what it means to me" well that sounds good but still lost in the darkness of this world without the true light of Jesus Christ, His word the bible. It matters not what we believe or feel or what something may mean to me what matters is what God's word says in the proper interpretation. You may think, believe and act as though your life is pleasing to God but in the light of His word you may be displeasing Him and rather offending Him though you bear the name Christian. Why am I saying this here? Because from the day I met Mrs. Rockwell her life reflected a "living" faith it was not mere words or formality; she was different. You can read Galatians chapter 5 and verses 22-23 where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control and these qualities "were" evident in every circumstance I saw Myrtle go through. Whether it was ill treatment from a friend or family member or a medical physical problem Myrtle was a fruit of the Spirit filled Christian. Secondly, when you read 1 Corinthians chapter 13 the Love chapter verses that defines what love is she expressed it. Myrtle was patient, kind, did not envy, not boastful about anything, she was not jealous, never acted unbecomingly, she always believed the best and told people so. Of all the times I had to take Myrtle to some kind of medical treatment where pain might result she never complained and all the medical people commented on just how caring and courteous this lady was. This is in no way details Myrtles life just a small portion. But we are in this world for a short time even if  90 to 100 years and the question I ask is what mark or legacy am I leaving or you? What will people say of me, will my life have influenced any? And beyond that and of far greater importance where will I spend eternity? To answer that you must answer this, "what have you done with God's Son Jesus Christ?"  Myrtle Rockwell trusted Him and His word completely with a child like faith and she was different and now she is home in Glory with her Savior Jesus Christ.