Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank the Lord January 25th Tuesday

Myrtle Rockwell is still here with us. And it is a blessing to me to help her and know her. She is the best example of a christian I have ever met and I have met many men and women in ministry and in bible college.
What a wonderful women; filled with faith, wisdom and the Holy Spirit.
For those who know or knew of her and never or rarely came by "you" missed out.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas is past & New Year here and so is Myrtle Rockwell

A New Year is here and the Lord has a plan for Myrtle Rockwell because she is still here with us and for that I  am thankful. I have learned and learn much from Myrtle. Here is a picture of Myrtle with a long time friend Esperanza. She has been a long time and very good friend to Myrtle and a great help on many occasions.

 Make your new year count that's what Myrtle did for her life!! You never know how long we each have.